
We stock feed, bedding, treats, health supplements and grooming products. Customers can park in the layby next to our shop, and we will take your purchases to your vehicle.


We stock all the major brands of horse food, including Dengie, Topspec, Equerry, Spillers, Baileys, Dodson & Horrell, Thunderbrooks, Saracen, Mollichaf, Honeychop and more.

Horse Food


We have a range of horse bedding, including Snowflake, Bedsoft, Bedmax, Aubiose and Megazorb.

Another big delivery of horse products

Horse Treats

We stock a range of horse treats, including Likits, Stud Muffins, Spillers and more.

Horse Treats
Stud Muffins

Grooming and Health Care

We stock shampoo, insect repellent, Stinky Stuff, hoof oil, saddle soap, leather cleaner, and leather food.

Various Horse Care and Tack Cleaning products
Lots of different grooming brushes and curry combs etc