Dog Food & Treats

Dry Dog Food

We have dry dog food for every budget, but we are particularly focused on premium high-meat options.
Ranges that we stock include:

Orijen & Acana
Eden Holistic
Lilys Kitchen
Fish 4 Dogs
Taste of the Wild
Nature’s Variety

Barking Heads
Arden Grange
James Wellbeloved, Royal Canin and Eukanuba
Burgess Sensitive & Autarky
Dr John
Chappie, Harringtons, Wagg, Gilpa, Pedigree and Burgess Greyhound food
We cater for everyone, and carry good stock of economy dog food and mixers

Wet Dog Food

We stock a wide range of wet dog food options for every budget.

Natures Menu and Country Hunter wet food range
Forthglade, Natures Menu, Naturo, Lily’s Kitchen, Taste of the Wild, Collards, Devini and Fish4Dogs wet food.
James Wellbeloved, Arden Grange, Fish 4 Dogs Mousse, Barking Heads
Pedigree, Winalot and Breederpack Cans

Dog Treats

We stock a wide range of quality treats, for rewarding and keeping your dog busy.

Celebration Cakes are made to order.
Handmade Dog Biscuits
Dog Treats
A wide range of natural dog treats and chews
Traditional Dog Biscuits
We have various bulk deals on dog treats, including this 3kg bag of chicken & rice sausages.